Friday, July 25, 2008


I'm starting to get into the grove of this "stay-at-home mom" thing! Some days are better then others, but today has been a good day! I'm actually getting stuff done!

Aside from feeding, clothing, and keeping the boys from killing each other... today I have: cleaned out the fridge, cleaned the kitchen, made 4 dozen cookies, and even managed to continue to feed my computer addiction!

Now the boys should be asleep for another hour or so.... maybe I'll have time to workout and get a shower! yeah!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two boys with baskets on their heads

why? Don't ask me - my kids are weird!

I noticed that the majority of my posts have been about Isaac, so here's proof that I DO have two boys!

Twinkle twinkle little star

Ok, so he's a little confused on some of the words, but he's still super cute, right?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Isaac's first try at corn on the cob!

Isaac's first try at corn on the cob!

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Life - The Musical

It's such a good thing that I'm a HUGE fan of musicals! I mean, I really, really do enjoy musical theater! And I've found the answer to the question "but, who walks around like that? breaking into song? or singing conversations?"


Or Isaac does at least! In the last couple of weeks he's taken to singing EVERYTHING! He just walks around making up songs. He sings peoples names, or sings about whatever he hears people talking about.

It's cute, for a little while...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Potty Update

I was asked yesterday - "Has Isaac been using the potty?"

And the answer to that question is a big giant affirmative - YES! If by chance your definition of "using the potty" is sitting on the potty for HOURS while you watch TV.

But, for the rest of us who define "using the potty" as being alerted that you need to pee/poop and sitting on the pot to do such activity. Then... NO.

Seriously, he'll sit on the darn thing forever! Sometimes we have to fight him to get up. But, he's only had success a few times.

Work in progress.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How 15 Minutes Can Change Your Day

Up until just a few moments ago, my day had gone fairly well. Isn't it funny how that can all change so quickly!

I decided to make stromboli for dinner, which should only take like 3 minutes to put together. Not at my house!

It just took me a solid 20 minutes, at least, to get this all together!

It started with getting Isaac off the potty (no, he's not trained, or anywhere close, but he will sit there FOREVER!). So I convinced him to get off... and for whatever reason, thought it was a great idea to try putting underwear on him. That was a fight in and of itself! But, after two spankings and a time-out... he was wearing underwear.... I would have just given up the fight, but he does the same thing when I put a diaper on him.

Anyways, after than I started toward the kitchen to start on the stromboli. Elijah was dragging me by the hand and crying about something. Isaac was asking for pancakes and waffles. By the time I got everything out of the fridge, Isaac was hanging from my leg and Elijah was still crying.

Isaac pushed Elijah every time he got near me. And this just made him scream more. I couldn't take it anymore and resorted to the Backyardigans for some peace. I set them up in the living room and went to back to the kitchen.

Less then two minutes later, I hear... "Mommy, I pooped". Well, he hadn't pooped, but he had peed. And since in all my brilliance, he was only wearing underwear... I had to clean it up!

Finally back to the stromboli... it's done, Isaac is back on the potty... he says he's staying forever... and Elijah is miserable. As I type he's literally hanging from my arm!

Maybe something really awesome will happen and change the day again! *fingers crossed*

Monday, July 7, 2008

Attention Restaurant Employees

We went out to dinner at the classiest place in town the other night (ie:Pizza Hut). Anyways, it got me thinking. From start to finish, it seemed as if the waiters/waitresses have never seen children before.

SIDE NOTE: I mean no disrespect to the hospitality industry. I was once a waitress and wouldn't want to go back to it... and they probably wouldn't want me back either!

Here are a few rules. These should be posted somewhere in every restaurant or part of training or something!

When a family with small children enters the restaurant:

1. If they require multiple highchairs, the best place to seat them is NOT a booth! More then one highchair at the end of a table just doesn't work!

2. Help them carry said multiple highchairs to the table!

3. The best place is place multiple highchairs is NOT side by side!

4. Babies under the age of 1 do not need crayons! They will only eat them or color on the table.

5. When you bring things to the table, like say, HOT PIZZA, DO NOT PLACE IT ANYWHERE IN REACH OF THE SMALL CHILDREN!

6. On second thought, it's best not to place ANYTHING food or not in reach of the children.

7. When you notice that the kids are climbing the walls and the parents are looking for a quick escape, BRING THE CHECK!

8. Do not offer the kids candy or cookies with out permission.

Okay, slight rant over... just one of my pet peeves!